There's no beating about the bush (pun intended!), getting your first Brazilian wax will not be a fun experience for most people. However, as they say, no pain no gain, and being a longer-lasting hair-removal method, it will be worth it. A wax will keep your lady-parts smooth for two to four weeks, compared to only days (sometimes only hours!) with shaving. Check out below what you should do to prepare for your first Brazilian wax. Before your Brazilian Wax at Kelowna Esthetics Studio
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You have a couple of choices when it comes to waxing in West Kelowna. However, before you decide where you want to go, ask yourself a few questions.
Is it important that where you wax in West Kelowna is professional, clean and qualified? Of course! But also ask yourself, do you want to be waxed by a different esthetician each time or would you like to have the same person each time who gets to know you and what your needs are? Do you want to be waxed in a comfortable, rather than sterile-feeling environment? Do you want your wax to be affordable? Then you need to get waxed at Kelowna Esthetics Studio! This is a home-based studio, so you will be waxed by the same person (me!) every time. It's affordable, at only $30, yet professional, and fast! Come see why Kelowna Esthetics Studio is one of the best places for waxing in West Kelowna! I want to talk a little about the risks associated with waxing, as there are some. Most people like to think that there will be no negative side effects from any beauty procedures they undertake, but that's simply not true. Just as with eyelash extensions there is the risk that you might be allergic to the glue and have a negative reaction, with waxing, your skin may react to the wax, and there is a possibility that the skin can burn or tear. You are having hot wax placed on your skin and ripped off after-all! Wax Burns Wax burns are the least likely side-effect of waxing, especially if you go to a reputable salon. It tends to happen more often with at-home waxing. If the wax is so hot that it causes a burn on the skin, then you should rethink going to that salon again! This simply should NOT happen, but just in case it does, here's what you need to do:
Skin Tears or Lifting Skin is sensitive, and everyone's skin reacts differently to waxing. Certain products, such as Retinol can make the skin thinner and more prone to lifting or tearing, but unfortunately, it is a risk for anyone undertaking a wax. Skin lifting happens when both dead and live skin are pulled off with the wax, creating an abrasion similar to scraping one’s knee. The client may not realize that they have an abrasion until a day or two later when a scab begins to form. Here are some reasons why the skin lifts:
The good news is, with proper treatment, skin damaged by lifting or tearing will heal and not leave a permanent scar:
Redness, Rash or Bumps Waxing not only pulls the hair out of the follicle; it pulls at the skin too, which can lead to skin irritations.
Other side effects of waxing
Every method of hair removal has some potential side-effects and waxing is no exception. Waxing remains popular because it is quick, inexpensive, and provides longer lasting results than shaving or hair removal creams. However, it's important to be fully educated on the potential side-effects of waxing before you book an appointment, and understand that these side-effects could happen to you. In most cases, the chances of anything very negative occurring are low, however, the more common side effects are more likely, so you need to be prepared. The Brazilian wax is the most popular wax at Kelowna Esthetics Studio (and at $30 you can understand why!). However, what most people don't realize is that, when they are asking for a Brazilian Wax, what they are actually meaning, is a Hollywood Wax. Different variations of a "bikini wax" A regular bikini wax ($20 at Kelowna Esthetics Studio) removes the hair outside what would be considered the underwear line - it can be basic, where the underwear isn't moved at all, or it can be more of a full bikini wax where the underwear is pulled in to reveal more hair, without the need to remove the underwear, or expose any potentially embarrassing areas - some women are simply not comfortable with showing that much to their esthetician which is perfectly OK! From there, the different bikini waxes basically start removing more hair. Traditionally, the Brazilian Wax keeps a small area of hair, often called a "landing strip" (but can also be a triangle, square, oval shape etc). The Hollywood Wax is the full works, completely bare, nothing left! Sometimes, the Hollywood wax is referred to as a "full Brazilian". At Kelowna Esthetics Studio, we just keep it simple and refer to it as a Brazilian Wax! Image source: Don't Try it at Home!
Whether you're opting for the traditional Brazilian wax, or the full Hollywood wax, it's not recommended that you try it yourself at home. There's a great variety in the quality of waxes available, and the best quality waxes are only available to certified professionals. If it's your first time going completely bare, we will do it slowly, removing smaller sections of hair at a time - once you've had a few waxes, the hair removal gets easier, and not as painful. Whatever you do, follow the before and after care instructions with care! Contact Kelowna Esthetics Studio today to book your Full Brazilian/AKA Hollywood Wax! I’ve been waxing for a while now, and have seen lots of ingrown hairs – when a hair grows back into the skin rather than out of the surface. Unfortunately, it’s a common waxing side effect, and can also happen after tweezing or shaving too. Not everyone gets ingrown hairs, but anyone can, and some have a higher tendency toward getting them – those with thick, coarser, and curly hair are particularly susceptible to ingrown hairs. This isn't the news most ladies have been wanting to hear - after all, the waxing, shaving and tweezing we do down there is to make it look, and feel, nice. Smooth, and comfortable. But an ingrown hair does exactly the opposite! The ugly, red, painful bumps are not exactly what we signed up for when we wanted to go bare! What Exactly IS an Ingrown Hair? An ingrown hair presents itself as a small round bump – sometimes painful, sometimes itchy, and sometimes it can become infected – this is because the body is responding to the hair as if it were an unknown object. Don’t squeeze the bumps as it could cause an infection or you could end up pushing the hair deeper into the skin. Image source: Why Does Waxing Make Ingrown Hairs Worse?
The hair follicle has a bulb that it grows from. When you are waxed, this bulb is often visible in the wax strip once the hair has been removed. On the one hand, it's good, it means the hair has come out right at the follicle and hasn't broken. However, on the other hand, the rapid pulling of the wax can disrupt the lining of the follicle, it's this lining that guides hair, when it regrows, up to the surface of the skin and out a hole that allows the hair to actually exit the body. Waxing over long periods will slow hair growth, which means less waxing, and in turn, fewer new ingrown hairs. Another cause of ingrown hairs can be dead skin cells blocking a pore that has a hair follicle trying to grow out of it. Since the pore is covered, the follicle cannot escape, and instead grows underneath. How to Treat an Ingrown Hair? Usually ingrown hairs will go away by themselves, but if you’ve noticed one for a while, and it doesn’t seem to be going away, you might need to take action. Here are 5 tips to treat an ingrown hair:
If the ingrown hair gets infected and very painful, go see a doctor immediately. Why are you growing hair in places you never even knew you had?? For women, hormonal disturbances cause can the production of androgen to boost resulting in more hair in unwanted places. Frustrating as it may be, there are several things you can do to slow down hair growth naturally.
Try not to worry about excessive hair growth Above all else, try not to stress about it. When I was going through a divorce, I had the opposite problem - the hair on my head was thinning and falling out in handfuls. That's a stressful thing to happen! But the thing that made it worse? Stressing about it. Stress will increase the production of androgen in your body. Testosterone (an unwanted hormone for hair growth) over produces when we are stressed. It’s one of the body's natural processes. Hard as it may sound, one of the key ways to stop hair loss, or stop excessive hair growth (in fact, to slow many health problems) is to take a deep breath, and relax. Being relaxed and free of worry has so many health benefits! For hair growth, you will force the androgen production to normalize and balance itself which can help slow hair growth. Take Supplements There are many natural vitamins and herbal supplements that can help you slow unwanted hair growth, for example, Palmetto is a natural herb and can be used to even out hormone imbalances and increased production of androgen. Slow Facial Hair Growth With Regular Waxing at Kelowna Esthetics Studio The best way to slow facial hair growth is through regular waxing! Facial hair is shorter and can be either peach-fuzzy or coarser. At Kelowna Esthetics Studio we can use a combination of strip wax and hard wax to remove even the most stubborn unwanted facial hairs, and slowing down the production of future hairs. While stressful, unwanted female body hair is manageable. If your excess body hair in causing you to lose confidence, get the smooth, silky skin you are looking for by breathing, relaxing, taking supplements, and waxing those pesky hairs away! Contact Kelowna Esthetics Studio today to book your wax in West Kelowna. If you stand next to your boyfriend, is it hard to judge who has the most hair?
That's not a good problem to have! But, seriously, are you worried you're too hairy to wax? Don't be! I don’t think anything could surprise me at this point. I have seen all different levels of hairiness, and it really is the same from one lady to another. Waxing yourself is hard, yes - and not something I'd recommend. But waxing itself is pretty straightforward, and if the person waxing you is a professional, it really wont matter how long the hair is. It might just take a little longer, and use a bit more wax (for which I do not charge extra!), but one thing that you don't have to worry about is being judged! I wouldn't think twice about it, and it's my job to make you comfortable. So, rest easy, come hairy or trimmed, whatever you want, but leave smooth, and happy! Have you ever felt a little leftover stubble after getting waxed?
That’s because some of the hairs left behind were still in the early growth stage and not long enough to be removed by waxing. With regular waxing every 3 to 4 weeks, you are more likely to get your hair on the same growing cycle - it can take up to 4 waxing treatments before all of the hair is on the same growth cycle, and all the hairs come out together. Your first wax may not remove all the hair, it may last only one week, it may last up to three – it just depends on your own genetics, how recently and often you’ve shaved, and how well you do at preparing the skin before the wax and taking care of the skin between your treatments. Don’t be discouraged if your hair doesn’t stay gone too long the first few times. The more you wax the longer it will last. Have you ever looked to see if your esthetician "double-dips" in the wax pot? Double-dipping is when a spatula is dipped into the wax, the wax is applied to the skin, and the same spatula is dipped back into the wax pot and wax is applied again. Think of all the bacteria that is transferred from skin to wax, and back to skin, between clients! Imagine getting your lip waxed from someone who double-dipped during a brazilian on a client right before you! Ewwww. So gross!
ALWAYS check that your esthetician uses a clean spatula EVERY time they dip it into the wax pot! P.S. We do NOT double dip! |
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